Innovating for the Future

Figuring out new ways to bring Progressive Commercial Insurance to the microbusinesses that need it.
Project Manager,
UX Designer
Jan. 2023 - Aug. 2023
8 months
Project Management
UX Research
Rapid Prototyping
Interaction Design
Insurance is rapidly evolving as fresh, hip startup companies shake things up in an industry that's known for its slow-moving bureaucracies. Progressive Insurance tasked me and my team with revamping efforts towards an up-and-coming outreach strategy for their commercial lines. Solving this problem would require striking a perfect balance that satisfies the needs of three different groups: microbusinesses, B2B businesses, and Progressive.
What I Did
By challenging our assumptions and doing lots of research (see the investigative snapshot below), my team and I developed 3 key insights that guided our design process. We then moved on to a series of 5-day sprints, rapidly iterating on our design and testing with real users during every sprint.

My contributions to the success of our project included:
  • Leading client communication, including running meetings and collaboration sessions.
  • Reframing the project space in such a way that my team was able to create an entirely new strategy for the client.
  • Pitching the team's innovative idea to the client by communicating the business value of our designs, winning unanimous approval from the client and enabling us to share the idea with company stakeholders during our deliverable presentation.
  • Communicating one-on-one with target users during think aloud testing, contextual inquiries, and rapid interviews with local business owners.
  • Designing and distributing 3 different surveys to users during the project, communicating with the client's survey team to create a survey that was distributed to over 100,000 Progressive customers.
  • Prototyping and iterating on key designs, using tools like Figma and harnessing the power of AI to rapidly create functional prototypes using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
In August 2023, the project will conclude with the delivery of the our detailed, interactive decision guide for our client's strategy going forward. This will include beautifully visualized information about partnerships, design guidelines, and innovative ideas to bring their strategy to the next level above their competitors. It will be distributed for use across multiple cross-functional teams within the company.
This project is under NDA. If you'd like more details, please reach out to me: